Episode 9: What is Cash Flow?

I start this week's podcast episode with a sobering statistic: 82% of all new businesses that fail, fail because of cash flow.  Read that again: 82%

Businesses with cash flows issues can't pay their bills. And if your business can't pay it's bills, it's on borrowed time.

Cash flow funds your operations as well as funds investments to grow your business and helps investors and lenders have confidence in your ability to meet your obligations.

That's why understanding and managing your cash flow is a core financial competency you need in your business. Cash flow is usually one of the top issues business owners bring to me. 

And while cash flow isn't the same as profit, I find that they usually intertwined. 

Tune into today's episode for a cash flow primer where you'll learn:

  • What cash flow is and how it’s different from profit

  • Why it’s so important to the long-term health of your business

  • Key metrics you should be tracking to measure your cash flow and what they tell you

Mentioned in “What is Cash Flow?”:


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Episode 10: 5 Mistakes Business Owners Make with Cash Flow


Episode 8: Why You Should Care About Profit at Least as Much as Revenue