Episode 8: Why You Should Care About Profit at Least as Much as Revenue

In today's episode of Purposeful Profit, I'm getting up on my soapbox. My Profit soapbox that it. As I work more and more with small business owners, I'm seeing an alarming issue that's causing a lot of undue hardship: a focus on revenue without a focus on profit.

Many business owners think the key to more money in their pocket is to grow their revenue. So they start chasing a big revenue number. 

And really, it's no wonder. In the business coaching and consulting space, there's an extreme focus on revenue and very little on profit.  And that's a problem.

Not only does more revenue not necessarily equal more profit, but done without intention, it can actually lower profit through outsized spending. 

If you want to have a profitable business, you need to care give profit equal air time.

In today's episode, learn:

  • why revenue growth isn't the end all be all to building a profitable business

  • why you should care about profit at least as much as you do revenue

  • how to start giving profit the equal air time it deserves

Mentioned in today’s episode:

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Episode 9: What is Cash Flow?


Episode 7: Intentional Business Strategy is Key to Sustainable Profit