Episode 28: How Alex Mitchell Used Simple Financials to Quit Avoiding Her Finances

The best bookkeeping system for your business is the one you'll use.

A system, no matter how full featured, that you don't use, isn't any better than no system.

So if you don’t have a system or you aren't using the system you have and are overwhelmed by the idea of using QBO or adding the cost, you are who Simple Financials was designed to serve.

Alex Mitchell is an integrative hypnotist and business coach. She'd been running her business like many coaches or business owners do: without paying attention to her finances and just waiting until tax season. Her system was a shoebox. She felt the need to start treating her business like a business - enter Simple Financials.

In this episode of Purposeful Profit, you'll hear how Alex using the Simple Financials bookkeeping template to get control over her finances and in the process, change how she thought about her numbers and how hypnosis can help you in your business.

Mentioned in “How Alex Mitchell Used Simple Financials to Quit Avoiding Her Finances” :

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Alex Mitchell is an integrative hypnotist and works with women in all aspects of their lives, whether it be personal transformation or business coaching. After a long career in technology, Alex found a new path to explore when she discovered the power to change her own brain through hypnosis. She starts her sessions with the simple question "what do you want to change today?"

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Episode 29: Understanding S Corp and LLC Taxes


Episode 27: The Simplest Bookkeeping System for Your Business