Episode 17: How a Profit First Mindset Can Transform Your Business

One common mistake I see with business owners who want to make more profit is that they are putting profit last. Profit is what happens to them after all their expenses are paid.

But sustainable project requires a Profit First mindset. In this week's podcast, I'm talking about how a Profit First mindset can transform your business. 

A profit last mindset is a sure way to unending hustle, burnout and poor or inconsistent profitss. Instead, adopt a Profit First mindset and get off the hustle and burnout bus and start making more money.

Tune in and learn:

  • What Profit First is and what isn't

  • The 4 core principles behind Profit First

  • How to start implementing Profit First today.

Mentioned in “How a Profit First Mindset Can Transform Your Business” :


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Episode 18: How the Story You Tell Yourself About Money Impacts Your Profit


Episode 16: The One Word That’s Missing From Almost All Scaling Discussions