Episode 21: 10 Habits to Get Your Business Finances Organized in 2024

Are your finances for 2023 all in order? Or are they a bit of hot mess?

Are you going to be able to spend Q1 focused on your 2024 goals or are you going to spend it in mad rush, full of anxiety, trying to pull all your numbers together.

What if this time next year, your finance were all in order and you were not scrambling for the tax guy. What if you had put the annual mad rush and tax anxiety to bed and were able to just focus on growing your business?

It doesn't come from making resolutions, but rather from establishing solid financial practices and habits.

Listen to this episode and learn 10 habits you can build so that 2024 is the year you get your business finances in order.

Mentioned in “10 Habits to Get Your Business Finances Organized in 2024” :


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Episode 22: Red Flags to Avoid When Hiring a Bookkeeper


Episode 20: Understanding Your Business’s Cash Flow