Episode 18: How the Story You Tell Yourself About Money Impacts Your Profit

Making more profit in your business and more money in your life doesn't start with your numbers. Or your strategies. It starts between your ears with your mindset.

The money stories we tell ourselves directly impact our ability to build profitable businesses and create wealth and money in our lives. These stories, many of which we accept as fact, are really just thoughts and beliefs we keep repeating to ourselves. They've been framed by our lifetime experiences, upbringing, and societal messages.

And buried in these thoughts are our limiting beliefs about money. And those limiting beliefs hold us back in our business daily. By getting in touch with our stories and deciding what we want to keep and what we want to let go, we can directly impact our ability to create more profit and money.

Join me for this week's episode and I talk about where our money stories come from, how to find our money stories and 4 questions to ask ourselves about our stories.

Mentioned in “How the Story You Tell Yourself About Money Impacts Your Profit” :


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Episode 19: 5 Habits to Improve Your Business’s Cash Flow


Episode 17: How a Profit First Mindset Can Transform Your Business