Episode 13: 5 Bookkeeping Mistakes To Avoid So Your Books Are Not a Hot Mess

All businesses need bookkeeping. It's usually one of the first things business owners will outsource. Yet, 90% of all clients that come me have bookkeeping issues. They don't know what they don't know.

A good bookkeeper is a huge asset and a key part of your financial team. But it's an unregulated field and business owners often don't know what they don't know.

When clients come to me with profit and cash flow issues, I often see a direct link with the  quality of their bookkeeping.  You can't manage profit and cash flow effectively if you don't have books you can trust and rely on.  

In this week's episode, I'm sharing the 5 bookkeeping mistakes I most often see businesses owners make, so you can avoid them.

You'll learn

  • Questions you should be asking when you hire a bookkeeper

  • The delegation mistake most business owners are making

  • Why bookkeeping shouldn’t operate in a silo in your business

Mentioned in “5 Bookkeeping Mistakes to Avoid So Your Books Are Not a Hot Mess”:


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